epub |eng | 1997-11-15 | Author:Robert Bly [Bly, Robert]

This stanza was from one of the most transparent and lively of Juan Ramón’s poems; I had taken two lines from the stanza as an epigraph for a poem I ...
( Category: Caribbean & Latin American March 16,2020 )
epub |eng | 2019-03-12 | Author:Gimferrer, Pere; West, Adrian Nathan; [Pere Gimferrer]

19 October 1979 A Sorcerer’s Disappearance One uncertain day, sometime in the mid-twenties, a young Ernest Hemingway is sitting on the terrace of the café La Closerie des Lilas in ...
( Category: Spanish March 13,2020 )
epub |eng | 2012-03-14 | Author:Judith Ortiz Cofer

III Corazón wished she could move everything out of the store that night. She did not think she could stay in this place without Manuel. When Tito, the super, Doña ...
( Category: United States January 17,2020 )
epub |spa | 1995-12-31 | Author:Raymond Carver [Carver, Raymond]

THE JUNGLE «I only have two hands», / the beautiful flight attendant / says. She continues / up the aisle with her tray and / out of his live forever, ...
( Category: Spanish November 14,2019 )
epub |eng | 2019-02-26 | Author:Walt Whitman

The objections to me are the objections made to all men who choose to go their own road—make their own choice of methods. When once I am convinced I never ...
( Category: Modern May 3,2019 )
epub, azw3 |eng | 2015-07-21 | Author:Pablo Neruda

He comes out against hate I’ve come within range of hate. Terrifying, its tremors, its dizzying obsessions. Hate’s like a swordfish invisible in the water, knifing suddenly into sight with ...
( Category: Spanish December 8,2017 )
epub | | 2009-12-13 | Author:Garcia Marquez, Gabriel [Garcia Marquez, Gabriel]

Cuando pasó el aguacero seguía con la sensación de que no estaba solo en la casa. Mi única explicación es que así como los hechos reales se olvidan, también algunos ...
( Category: Magical Realism September 17,2017 )
epub | | 2009-12-28 | Author:García Márquez, Gabriel [García Márquez, Gabriel]

( Category: Magical Realism September 13,2017 )
mobi |eng | 2004-01-01 | Author:Gabriel García Márquez

( Category: Magical Realism September 10,2017 )
azw3, epub |eng | 2013-04-02 | Author:Hernandez, Miguel [Hernandez, Miguel]

III. Child of Light and Shadow Woven in the dawn, engraved, two honeycombs can’t hold back the honey from their nipples. Your breasts in the dawn: maternal springs that struggle, ...
( Category: Spanish August 19,2017 )
epub | | 2009-12-12 | Author:García Lorca, Federico [García Lorca, Federico]

( Category: Spanish & Portuguese July 30,2017 )
epub | | 2009-12-12 | Author:García Lorca, Federico [García Lorca, Federico]

( Category: Spanish & Portuguese July 30,2017 )
epub | | 2009-12-12 | Author:García Lorca, Federico [García Lorca, Federico]

( Category: Spanish & Portuguese July 30,2017 )
mobi |es | 2011-01-19 | Author:Julie Orringer

Capítulo 17. La sinagoga de la Victoire Habría dado cualquier cosa por pasar el Rosh Hashaná en Konyár aquel año: ir a la sinagoga con su padre y Mátyás, comer ...
( Category: Spanish November 11,2014 )
mobi |es | 2009-02-06 | Author:Michael Connelly

Mientras volvíamos hacia los coches oficiales una mujer joven, con el cabello mechado de rubio y un rostro torvo, se acercó a nosotros con un micrófono y un cámara a ...
( Category: Spanish November 11,2014 )